Recipe Details

Editing a Recipe's Name, Status, & Staff Visibility

To edit a recipe's name, status, & staff visibility, click the edit icon next to the recipes name. Setting the recipe to inactive will hide it from your recipe library unless the "show inactive" button is pressed on the all recipes screen. Hiding the recipe from staff will prevent staff members in your establishment from being able to view the recipe.

Adding Recipe Ingredients

To add ingredients to your recipe, click the "+ add ingredient" button on the right hand side of the screen. This will add an empty ingredient line for you to fill out. Assign a quantity and product or recipe from your libraries to the line, and the associated cost will show up. If the ingredient you added is another recipe, then the labor cost will appear as well (as a portion of the labor cost of the entire recipe.)

Keep in mind that the quantity on the recipe line will need to have a type (volume, mass, or count) that matches that of the associated product or recipe. Spec will automatically convert between units of the same type (milliliters to fluid ounces). If you need to convert from mass to volume (for example, sugar is usually purchased by weight but is often portioned by volume) then find the product in the product library and update its unit size to include a mass conversion.

To edit how the recipe line appears to staff when viewing the recipe, click the edit icon in the "display name" column. This is helpful for ingredients like bitters, as they need to be costed into the recipe with volume, but bartenders tend to use "dashes" to portion them out.

Setting Yields

In order to determine the total ingredient and labor cost of a recipe, a yield must be provided. The recipe yield is how much the recipe makes. Similar to unit size in the product library, the recipe has one primary yield which is always displayed. If you wish to portion out the recipe within other recipes or menus with a different unit of measurement type, conversions can be added here.

Calculating Labor Costs

To calculate the labor cost of an entire recipe, edit the "wage/hr" and time fields. Labor costs for a recipe will show up in other recipes, and in menus.

Recipe Training Details

If you wish to provide any training information to you staff, you can do so here.


All recipes have a story or function behind them. Input anything you wish your staff to know about it before tasting or preparing it. If the recipe is a cocktail, you can provide the creator and history of the drink. If the recipe is an ingredient like lime juice, you can describe how lime juice functions in cocktails and foods.

Tasting Notes

This is the place to provide any tasting notes to your staff. This is helpful for recipes that are cocktails or food items, as this enables your servers and bartenders to describe the flavor profile accurately. Again, with a recipe like lime juice, you may decide to forego inputting any information here.


The recipes you use in your establishment need to be prepared a certain way. Write out the steps to execute the recipe successfully here.


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