All Recipes

The all recipes page shows you all the recipes you have created in Spec. Use the navigation arrows at the bottom of the screen to view all of them.

Organizing & Finding Recipes

Search for a recipe

To search for a recipe name, click on the search bar in the top left of the screen and type in the name.

Tagging a recipe

Tagging a recipe allows you to group recipes with similar characteristics of your choosing. To create a tag, click on the "+ create tag" button in the top left of the screen beneath the search bar and type in the name of your tag. Once created, navigate to the recipe you wish to tag and click on the "tag" button on the right of the recipe line. Find your tag and select it. A recipe can have multiple tags.

Filtering recipes by tag

To filter your recipes by their associated tags, click on the tag you wish to include in your search at the top of the screen. If you wish to continue filtering, select additional tags.

Sorting Recipes

To sort your recipes, click on the "sort" button in the top right of the screen.

Creating New Recipes

To create a new recipe, click on the "+ create new recipe" button in the top right of the screen. Choose a name for your recipe, and set its status to either active or inactive, and select whether or not you want this recipe visible to staff members in your establishment.

View A Recipe

To view a recipe, simply click on the recipe and the recipe's details will be shown and can be edited. See Recipe Details article here.


Recipe Details

