Menu Details

The menu details screen shows all the products and recipes you have added to the menu and all their pricing details.

Adding a Product or Recipe to a Menu

To add a product or recipe to the menu, click on the "+ add item" button in the top right hand side of the screen. Using the search bar on the top left, search for the product or recipe by name. Click on the item you wish to add. From here, you can add more items, or simply click "complete" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

Setting a Serving Size

To set the serving size on the product or recipe, click on the "+ serving size" button to the right of the product. Select either a volumetric, mass, or count based serving size, then enter the amount and unit of measurement.

Keep in mind that the unit of measurement type (volumetric, mass, or count) must match the unit size or yield set on the product or recipe, respectively. Remember that multiple unit size and yield unit of measurement types can be set per product or recipe.

Ingredient Cost

The ingredient cost column shows the cost of the product, or the ingredient (non-labor) cost of the recipe as a portion of the serving size that was set.

Labor Cost

The labor cost column shows the cost of labor for recipes, as a portion of the serving size. If a batch of 10 Margaritas cost $10 dollars in labor, and you added just 1 Margarita to the menu, then the labor cost would be $1.

Total Cost

The total cost column shows the sum of ingredient and labor costs for the product or recipe, as a portion of the serving size.


The markup column allows you to change the default markup value that was set for the menu. The markup value is the number you wish to multiply the ingredient cost of the item by to calculate a recommended menu price.

Menu Price

Set the actual price the item is sold at in your establishment in this column. Use the recommended menu price column to help you determine this value.

Target Spread

The target spread column shows how far off the menu price is from the recommended menu price. This shows you, at a glance, if you are over or undercharging for menu items. It's calculated by subtracting the recommended menu price from the menu price.

Ingredient %

This column shows the percentage of the menu price that is covering the ingredient cost of the product or recipe. It's calculated by dividing the ingredient cost by the menu price. A lower percentage means your profit is higher.

Labor Cost %

The labor cost % column is similar to the one before, only it shows the percentage of the menu price that is covering the labor cost of the recipe. It's calculated by dividing the labor cost by the menu price. A lower percentage means your profit is higher.

Net Profit

The net profit column shows the profit earned for every sale of the menu item. It's calculated by subtracting the total cost of the item (ingredient cost and labor cost) from the menu price.


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