All Invoices
Spec allows you to store all of your invoices from vendors in the Invoices tab. Individual line items on an invoice can be linked to orders so you don't miss anything, and once an invoice is approved all your purchase unit prices will be updated.
All Invoices
The all invoices screen is where you can find all of your previously created invoices. Every invoice has a date, invoice number, vendor, total, and a status.
Invoice Date
Invoice date is the date you received the invoice.
Invoice Number
Every invoice you receive from your vendors will have a unique number associated with it. Record that number here to make finding invoices easier in the future.
The vendor that the invoice is from.
Invoice Total
The invoice total is the total amount paid on the invoice.
The status column shows what state the invoice is in:
Unreconciled: The sum of all line items does not match the invoice total. All newly created invoices are unreconciled by default.
Reconciled: The sum of all line items matches the invoice total, but the invoice has not yet been marked as Approved.
Approved: The invoice has been approved and Purchase Unit prices have been updated.